Friday, October 12, 2012

carter is ONE!

On August 9, 2011 I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy I have ever laid eyes on. He was [well still is] perfect in every way - actually as I type this he is playing around, climbing on and off the couch and the dog and it's 12midnight. - He has been the biggest blessing in my life.

Before I was pregnant I did not want kids. I love them, but thought kids were not for me. I'm the oldest of 10 grandkids, and I have 2 younger brothers who are 10 and 13. So kids were just not something I wanted. Well out of the blue I got pregnant. At first I was upset. Then I began to embrace it, and realized that all though having a child will challenge me in ways I've never been challenged, it truly is a blessing and an honor to be a parent.

Now that my son is 1 year old I look back and think about all that he has taught me; forgiveness, LOVE, patience, tolerance, kindness, determination, strength, problem solving, the list goes on... Carter has never ceased to amaze me, from being so observant from day 1, to holding his head up on his own, to his first smile, and then his first giggle, to sitting up on his own to crawling, to walking at 7 months [yes 7 months!]. Now he knows how to say dog, cow, duck, ball, Ma and Da and knows who we are. He knows what a dog, cow, lion, dino, and lamb say. Lately he has been super attached to this BIG counting book I bought  him about farm animals. He loves looking at all of the animals and telling me what they say. He absolutely LOVES dogs and if he sees one on TV, in public, or in a book he freaks out and says [well more like yells], "DOG! DOG! DOG! Arf! Woof! Arf! Arf!" He is just down right presh on so many levels!

I love this little guy more and more with each day I get to know him. He is truly a beautiful blessing to me and my fiance. We can't believe he's going to be a big, stinky teenager one day - but for now we'll most defiantly enjoy him being 1!

These pictures were taken on his birthday, August 9th. His birthday party was "Little Man" themed, decorated with bowties, ties, and mustaches.

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